| On May 28, 2014, we went
back to the Hannibal Library
and then to the Palmyra Library. We found
little of additional interest. We
went through various
shops in Hannibal, including a great antique store that looked like a
junkers dream. We rode the Mark Twain riverboat up and down from the
Mississippi River bridge past various islands and landmarks that figure
in Mark Twain's writings. We attended a baseball game in Mark Twain
Field between the Hannibal Cavemen and the Quincy Gems, local college
teams. During the game the Ringling Brothers Circus train rolled through
on the track about a block from the stadium. Play continued as the
train went by but the spectators' loyalties were divided, except for the fellow of the large voice directly behind us who kept yelling, "Come on, big boy!" We had dinner
at the La Binah, which is across the street from the adult home of Laura Hawkins Fraser
, the person on whom Samuel Clemons based the character, Becky
Thathcer. Twain is reputed to have visited her there when he visited
Hannibal in the 1870s. |