We drove to the Ten Mile store on County Road K, as directed and headed down county road AA two miles.  Seeing nothing we continued several more miles to the end of the pavement where we turned around, not wanting to get into a mud situation as we had the previous day.  On the way back to Ten Mile we passed the Bethel Christian Church where some people were sitting on the porch.  We passed and then decided to return and ask them about the old Anabel station.  There we met, among others, Ralph Klusman who knew all about the station having been moved to Ten Mile, and knew where it was.  We also met Merlyn Amidei and her husband.  The Church, it turns out, is the property of the Macon Historical Society and they were there for a Memorial Day observance.  Merlyn explained she had a friend who knew all about our ancestor, Thomas Hart Benton Stasey, the bushwhacker.  

Merlyn has written two books on the history of Macon County and they are available at the Historical Society Museum.  Ralph gave us a tour of the church.  While we were admiring it a group of singers appeared, called the Nelson family, consisting of three girls, ages roughly six to sixteen, a boy about twelve and their mother.  They sang two old mountain gospel songs and the sound, in the curved-ceiling room, was ethereal.  One song was the tune from “Oh Brother Where Art Thou,” “Come on Down.”  After they sang we went back outside and made a donation to the Society to a woman who, it turned out, had been the one Becky Grady had left Aunt Donna’s to see the previous day.  Merlyn, it turned out, had heard of Stasey from Aunt Donna.  They all knew Aunt Donna and told us to go by the Macon Museum.  Ralph said it’s open Thursday through Sunday but he also gave us the name and number of someone who would be glad to pop over and show it to us any other time (Ruth Master, 660-676-7027).

Ralph gave us directions to where the station was now located, back down the road to the approximate place McEwen had directed us, but with some more explicit directions on exactly where to look.  We proceeded back and met the Guttmans.  Mr. Guttman is a retired minister.  We told him why we were there and he advised us the station had been torn down because it was in such bad shape. They were afraid to leave it standing.  He pointed to a broken structure beside the house and said that was all that was left.  We took pictures and were about to leave when his wife, Nancy Guttman, gave us the contact information for a lady who had been by a few years before looking for the station.  She had taken pictures and might be willing to share them with us.  We intend contacting her.


 The picture at left is displayed in the Macon Historical Society. It shows two people standing in front of the Anabel station, the one owned for a time by Thomas A. Stasey. The caption says, "(Left) Marion Powell, (RT) Lee Imler, 1936, Anabel Station."

 Trachta Farm...